Executive meetings will be held regularly at the Keadeen Hotel Newbridge / via MS Teams. Players may be requested to attend disciplinary hearings at these meetings.
Management Meetings will be held on the following dates at The Keadeen Hotel Newbridge at 8.00pm/Via MS Teams (Wednesdays)
Wednesday 11th August 2021
Wednesday 8th September 2021
Wednesday 13th October 2021
Meeting at the Hotel may have a limited capacity due to Covid19 restrictions. Clubs will be notified in advance.
All Clubs must be represented at these meetings – There is a fine
of €50 for non-attendance. Player and Manager of the Month
Awards for the period surrounding these Months of the Season will be presented at the meetings along with Goalkeeper of the Month and Top Manager for the same period and other important league business.
There will not be an Annual Awards Ceremony for the ‘transition season’. Trophies will be presented to winning teams in all categories on the day (where the trophy can be won outright) and medals will be distributed to all winners and runners up of each competition approx. two weeks following the end of the playing season.
The Annual General Meeting will take place in February / March 2022 at a venue to be advised.