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NOTICEBOARD 13/08/2023


RETURN OF TROPHIES : All clubs in possession of trophies from 2022 are asked to return them without delay to your nearest KDFL Executive member. Please call Regina on 0879557461 for details.

Coming soon : FAI Inter Cultural workshop. Compulsory for all coaches. Des Tomlinson FAI Intercultural National Co-Ordinator will give a workshop to all KDFL coaches In the Keadeen Hotel on Wednesday 13th September 2023 at 8pm. It is compulsory for all KDFL team coaches to attend.

Coming soon ! In conjunction with the ISRS Kildare Laois Branch and Paddy Maher of Mind Matters the League will be facilitating a workshop which will involve the input of Referees, Coaches and Captains together with Executive members of the ISRS and KDFL. The date will be forwarded to all clubs shortly.


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