Return of Trophies – All trophies won by clubs in 2023 are to be returned now to the KDFL without delay. You can drop off to the nearest Executive member. North of county Tomy Stanley
Mid Regina Casey and South Karen Hickey.
Social Media Team of the week features ; Our Social Media Officer Jamie Connolly will be endeavouring to create a ‘Team of the week’ possibly for each Division (This initiative will only be possible with the ‘buy in’ from each Club in the League). He will be featuring Clubs crests/sponsors etc. This will help to elevate your Club and our profile across all platforms. Please email your best players each week on Sunday before 7pm to Jamie at jamtay@live.com
Please ensure you indicate the Division your player competes in.
KDFL 30th Anniversary Awards Night – Friday 29th November 2024 – Full details in the coming weeks.